

Tai erdvė, kurioje jausitės lyg atostogų metu – kur galite sustoti, pasimėgauti akimirka bei pajusti vidinio ir išorinio balanso malonumą. Mes tikime, kad jauki, maloni, švari erdvė – tai gydanti ir transformuojanti erdvė. 

Viskas paruošta jūsų komfortui, kuomet nereikia rūpintis niekuo, o leisti, kad būtų pasirūpinta jumis. Priimkite ir leiskitės į šią nuostabią patyriminę kelionę drauge su mumis.

Studijoje rasite jaukią laukiamojo erdvę, erdvią praktikų salę (60m²), moterų ir vyrų persirengimo kambarius su dušais, jogos kilimėlius, pledukus, pagalvėles ir viską, ko gali prireikti pilnavertiškai jogos, judesio ar kvėpavimo praktikai.

Studio Experience

We believe that Pilates is the path to a fuller, more satisfying physical existence. We believe that being in control of your body helps you to be in control of your life. 

Personal Training

Our individualized personal training focus on each student’s particular needs. Is personal training right for you?

The Team

Our instructors perform hundreds of hours of training to meet teacher standards so they can provide the highest quality workouts.

Studijoje rasi

Guided Fit
For Women


Frequently Asked Questions
Comfortable athletic wear, free of buttons, snaps, and zippers. The studio is co-ed so please dress accordingly. Baggy shorts should be avoided as we incorporate inversions and straddle stretches in our workouts. We require socks to be worn in our studios. Sticky bottom socks provide the best grip throughout a workout. If you do not own sticky socks, we have them for purchase at each studio location.
You will find descriptions of each of our classes by hovering over the class type on the schedule page. In a nutshell, our classes are limited to 10 or less, and you will always use the spring driven equipment. Expect a lot of hands on and personal attention.
You will find descriptions of each of our classes by hovering over the class type on the schedule page. In a nutshell, our classes are limited to 10 or less, and you will always use the spring driven equipment. Expect a lot of hands on and personal attention.